Friends and family! Sorry I am so late updating my blog. I have so much to say so here it goes. I am married now! Actually ONE month today. I can hardly believe that it has gone that fast. I had the most pefect wedding ever. it went of with out a hitch. I have to say that non of this would have been possible without the MOST outstanding wedding party in the world. They were by my side for what ever reason all the time. I picked the best.
Jessica Powers-m.o.h ( which her last name will change in March!!!) She is my bestfriend
Laurie Conder- my sister in law/team teacher for next year!!!
Allison Carriger- my cousin (who just got married in Feb)
Kara Steward- My other cousin who is just great.
Moriah farmer- my Older sister she did so much to make this wedding wonderful.
Last but surly not least.
Bevin Williams- my other Big sister. Who helped out alot also.
They made "My" day so amazing.
I wore RED pumps. My dress was simple but perfect! We had fun fun fun music. Specially the LAST song. We used Shout!!! It was great everyone danced and had a ball. Dan Boggs married us. Who he is a great friend of the family. The grooms cake was dallas mavericks of course! The best part was the dancing dirk. My Husband hid a pair of dallas mavs boxers under my dress. I didn't cry boo yaa! We also had a little joke played on me! See Austin didn't ask my dad for my hand in married...so at the start of the wedding...He got down on one knee and asked my dad. Funny very cute. OUR parents were AMAZING they did an amzing job!!!! Our car was covered in funny messeges! Like Just farted...:) and my so kind brother in law Put texas Tech! That was funny! Lots of shoe pollish! It was a great time. BTW sara Mcoy caught the boquet!!!!!!!! The wedding was wonderful I love being married and Living with my BEST FRIEND!!!!!